Wound Atlas Pro
Terms Of Use:
All contents of this Application is owned and controlled by One Health Education/One Health Services (Hereinafter, will be referred to as the “Company”), and is protected by worldwide copyright laws. This Application is based on research from the World Wide Web and literature from The Atlas of Wounds, Ostomy, And Skin textbook. The Information discussed and provided within this Application is based on currently accepted standards of care and are intended for the use only as the guideline and resource tool, but does not replace good clinical assessment, and judgment for real-time decision-making. Final treatment decisions should always be consistent with standards of care and with the overall goal of the patient care developed from a multi-disciplinary approach. As users within the United States interact with the application, standard HIPPA regulations should be respected and used. As users Internationally (throughout the world) interact with this application and website, standard patient privacy regulations should be respected and used (with respect to your home country).
This Application and all contents available on or through this Application is provided on an “as is”, “as available” basis without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-Infringement, Data accuracy, System integration, and quiet enjoyment. Company makes no warranty as to the completeness timeliness, for reliability of any materials available on or through this Application or website. You are responsible for verifying any of the materials before relying on them.
The Company makes no representations or warranties regarding the performance, availability, functionality, or any other aspect of this Application including without limitations any representation that use of the Application will be on uninterrupted, error – free, or are completely secure. You are responsible for taking all is free of viruses and other potential harmful devices.
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This Application and website is intended for users over the age of 12. This Application will not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from visitors who are age 12 or under. For any user age 12 and under they should not download, review, or use any information from this Application for website. Anyone under the age of 12 is prohibited from using this Application and website.
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